Uncle Joey,
You are gone but will never be forgotten.
Thank you for always having time for me, my brother and all of our cousins both when we were kids and in our adult years. Thank you for the advice and guidance over the years. But most of all thank you for being "You"
"Pipe all hands"
Firstly I was devastated not to be able to see Joe for one last time or to attend his service .I was in constant contact with him over many years ,latterly by email but he just droppped off the radar 9months ago and I had no contact person.I would love to be in touch with anyone to share memories etc.
I first encountered Joe in my first year at Dundee Dental school ,in Scotland in 1971.
Joe was accepted as a “mature”student.He had ,previously served as a radio tech.in the RAF.Joe spent some interesting years in Cyprus monitoring Russian transmissions.He had also been a radio operator on an oil tanker in the Arabian Gulf.
Joe and I and a few others rented a house together for a while.
We spent much social time together .Joe was very well liked by the staff and classmates at Dundee.
Joe worked as a General Dentist in a practice in a disputed area in Belfast.The Falls Rd.I think.
Our paths were to cross in Labrador,Newfoundland,Ottawa and eventually ,Halifax ,Nova Scotia.
Our friendship became more firm as time went on and we kept in touch personally or by email ,regularly.
Joe was godfather to my youngest son Iain.
Joe loved the military life and was very well respected and liked in that community.
I remember he got an award from his ,much younger colleagues ,during his early field training.It was inscribed ,Joe “an inspiration to us all”.He achieved the rank of Major .A huge step (very well deserved ) from Aircraftsman Walsh in his early (boxing )days.
Joe embraced all the opportunities the CF gave him including the “geriatric jump course “as he described his para training .Also he became totally fluent in French !
Both my boys and Joe enjoyed each other’s company on the ski slopes several times,especially one Xmas which we all remember with fondness.
Joe maintained a high level of fitness due to a rigid dietary regimen and excercise routine.
We had several salmon,fly fishing trips in Newfoundland and even at an advanced age ,he was always up for a little “rock hopping “.
Joe had many friends all over the world and they all enjoyed his congenial manner and his liking for a long (often hours )discussion .
Joe was a true and honourable man .He was always ready to listen and help.He maintained a high level of honesty and principled behaviour,throughout his life .
I am proud and honoured to have been his friend.