Toutes mes sincères condoléances aux familles Clermont et Alexandre. Je garde un excellent souvenir de Roland et de la grande patience dont il a fait preuve toute sa vie. Que son âme repose en paix!
Dearest Astrid,
I am so so very sorry to hear this news. You must be devastated. I know the feelings to lose a dear father - mine was the same age as yours when I lost him - still way too young. My thoughts are with you during this very sad and difficult time. But he will still be with you everyday - I still get guidance and help from mine and you will too - I believe that. He was a very handsome man and you have his beautiful eyes.
Take good care my dear.
Sincerely, Liz
Chère Astrid, en ces jours tristes, je te souhaite à tes proches et toi que les meilleurs souvenirs de ton père Astrel vous réussissent et que les plus beaux vous habitent à chaque jour. Mes condoléances.
Ta sagesse va nous manquer cher oncle. Repose en paix!
Mes condoléances.