In Celebration of

François Prégent

October 12, 1950 -  October 10, 2017

C'est avec grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de François. Il est parti rejoindre ses parents Rolland Prégent et Lucienne Lebrun, sa soeur Lise Hess et son frère Bernard Prégent qui l'ont précédé au coeur de l'amour divin. Avec beaucoup de courage il fit lui-même les dernières décisions sur sa vie.

Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse bien-aimée Muriel Vallée-Dupuis et sa famille qu'il aimait et appréciait : sa soeur Odette, ses frères Richard (Huguette), Claude (Clare), Yvon (Louise) et Christian, ses belles-soeurs Lise Martin, Nicole Vallée (Michel), son beau-frère Benoit Vallée (Diane), ses neveux et nièces Shawn Duval (Christine), Todd Duval (Becki), Jason Hess (Glenna), Chantelle Hess, Jean-François Prégent (Mary Lyn), Simon Prégent (Maryève), Patrick Prégent (Mélanie), Pascale Prégent (Stephan), Angela MacDonald (Dan), Nadine Bélisle (Julien), Christine et Sylvie Charbonneau, Jade Vallée, petites-nièces et petits-neveux, cousins, cousines, ami(e)s et anciens/anciennes collègues.

François fut un employé de longue date de la Chambre des Communes y ayant travaillé de 1974 à 2005 comme greffier à la procédure à la direction des journaux, à la direction des recherches pour le Bureau, à la direction des comités et à celle qu'il a préférée, la direction des affaires internationales et interparlementaires (AII). À la direction des comités, il fut greffier de plusieurs comités permanents et spéciaux y inclus le comité spécial de la Chambre sur l'autonomie politique des Indiens (1983) ainsi que le comité spécial de la Chambre chargé d'examiner le projet de résolution d'accompagnement à l'Accord du lac Meech (1990). Durant sa carrière, il a tout particulièrement aimé participer à l'organisation et l'exécution de nombreuses conférences parlementaires internationales et nationales, entre autres la Conférence de l'Assemblée parlementaire de l'OTAN (1992), la Conférence de l'Association parlementaire du Commonwealth (1994) et la Conférence des présidents d'Assemblées du Commonwealth (2004). Avant sa retraite en 2005, il dirigea bon nombre de programmes de formation pour la "prochaine génération" de greffiers à la procédure.

Une célébration de sa vie aura lieu le samedi 25 novembre à 14h au Cimetière, services funéraires et crémation Beechwood, 280 avenue Beechwood, Ottawa La famille recevra les condoléances à compter de 13h.

Des dons en sa mémoire peuvent être faits à la Société protectrice des animaux d'Ottawa et l'Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d'Ottawa.

It is with great sadness that we share the news of François' passing. He went to meet his parents Rolland Prégent and Lucienne Lebrun, his sister Lise Hess and his brother Bernard Prégent who went before him to rest in the Divine Love. With great courage he made his own last decisions on his life.

He leaves in sorrow his beloved wife Muriel Vallée-Dupuis and his family that he loved and appreciated: his sister Odette, his brothers Richard (Huguette), Claude (Clare), Yvon (Louise) and Christian, his sisters-in-law Lise Martin, Nicole Vallée (Michel), his brother-in-law Benoit Vallée (Diane), his nephews and nieces Shawn Duval (Christine), Todd Duval (Becki), Jason Hess (Glenna), Chantelle Hess, Jean-François Prégent (Mary Lyn), Simon Prégent (Maryève), Patrick Prégent (Mélanie), Pascale Prégent (Stephan), Angela MacDonald (Dan), Nadine Bélisle (Julien), Christine and Sylvie Charbonneau, Jade Vallée, grandnieces and grandnephews, cousins, friends and former colleagues.

François was a long time employee of the House of Commons of Canada serving from 1974-2005 as a Procedural Clerk in the Journals, Table Research, and Committees Directorates, as well as in his personal favorite, the International and Interparliamentary Affairs Directorate (IIAD). While in the Committees Directorate, he was Clerk of a number of Standing and Special Committees, including the Special House Committee on Indian Self-Government (1983) and the Special House Committee to Study the Proposed Companion Resolution to the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord (1990). He particularly enjoyed during his career taking part in the organization and execution of numerous international and national parliamentary conferences such as that of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (1992), the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference (1994) and the Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers Conference (2004). Prior to his retirement in 2005, he led a number of Training Programmes for the "next generation" of Procedural Clerks.

A celebration of his life will be held at Beechwood, Funeral, Cemetery and Cremation Services, 280 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa, on Saturday, November 25 at 2 p.m. The family will receive condolences from 1 p.m.

In his memory, donations may be made to the Ottawa Humane Society and the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.


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Thomas Rendell Curran (Former colleague)

Entered October 31, 2017 from Ottawa

I worked with Frank in the 1980s on the House of Commons Fisheries Committee, and after that often had the pleasure of running into him at the House and Senate Gymnasiums where we both worked out regularly. I was very sorry when I heard of his passing. He left us much too soon.

Fiona Bladon (Colleague)

Entered October 31, 2017 from Perth, On

What a fine man he was. A kind friend, a thoughtful mentor, and an appreciative dinner guest. Francois was definitely one of the good guys.

Ellen Savage (Friend and co-worker)

Entered October 31, 2017 from Redwood City, California

Frank lit up the room with his wit, honesty and intelligence! My condolences to his family for their profound loss.

Robert & Agnès LeBrun (Cousin)

Entered October 31, 2017 from 128 Midsummer Terrace, Orléans ON. K1E 3V3

You will be missed, and remembered

Pierre Perrier (Friend)

Entered October 31, 2017

What a sad loss! I got to know Frank a little bit at the House of Commons. But, we got to be much closer friends after we both retired. We were often paired together during our golf days and regularly played pool at Dooly's the last few years. Frank really loved music and I remember those great nights my wife and I spent at Bluesfest with him. I will miss you my friend. Rest peacefully.


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